Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad is sometimes hard for students to understand.  Here are some good resources for you to use in your classrooms.

National Geographic The Underground Railroad - Using the drop down menu you can get several pages of information to use with your class.  There is a time line, a game called The Journey, for Kids, and Faces of Freedom.

Interactive Map - This is a nice interactive map that shows the routes out of the slave states to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Underground Railroad Flight to Freedom Program - This is a neat page with several interactive activities. Make sure you check out the activity at the top of the page. 

Scholastic The Underground Railroad - This was made for an interactive white board but could be used in other ways as well. The page also has teacher resources, slide shows, activities, and printables (one is a min-book). 

Songs of Freedom - This page gives the background on some of the songs sung by the slaves including Follow the Drinking Gourd, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, and Wade in the Water. 

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